How to use java Visual VM

JAVA visualvm is a nice in house tool from java to monitor and debug performance issues.

Where to find it

You can find it at location - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\jvisualvm.exe

Yes thats right its inside the JAVA folder.

How to check your process

As shown in the below pic , go to the Local section and click on the process related pid

How to monitor your CPU and memory use and any GC

After you click on the pid , in the right section against the pid you would be able to see several tabs

Select the monitor tab to monitor GC

Time taken by methods (Sampler)

After you click the sampler tab , you need to select between cpu sampling or memory

Once you do the above task , then you can see the CPU or memory consumption of each method

*Link for more insight -

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